Tuesday, October 14, 2014

How Far Is Too Far?

When you first started smoking, it's most likely your friends did also, you were cool and grown up, part of the group and perhaps a bit of a rebel. But soon that changed. You discovered that smoking didn't make you special; you had just created for yourself a powerful dangerous habit.

Then in spite of all the warnings you continued, but for you how far is too far. Was it the first signs of loss of energy, or puffing climbing the stairs?

Maybe the cough when you wake up each day, or the more frequent colds. The slow decline of your cardio vascular health or the general feeling of being unwell, often blamed to aging, with the obvious signs of skin aging.

Through to the more serious problems, such as amputation from smoking caused diabetic complications or the long list of deadly illnesses lead by lung and throat cancers.

In my experience as a clinical hypnotist I have seen it all. From the person with the slight shortness of breath, to the emphysema sufferers, to the client who has had a limb amputated and facing the prospect of losing another.

Right through to the person who only has three months to live and has come in to quit in the desperate hope of just having a few weeks more on this planet with their loved ones.

So I ask you again, how far is too far. How much pain will you put up with, how sick will you become, how much of your body must fail or succumb to illness before you lean out of the window and shout to the world, that enough is enough.

When you weigh it up; in the blue corner you have a habit which stinks and costs you a fortune over time. A habit which has conned you into believing you are getting some benefit instead of just a ticket to a premature demise.

In the red corner you get back as many as 14 years on your life, thousands of dollars in your pocket, not having to go outside to smoke, and the security of knowing you have given yourself the best chance to be healthy.

Don't sweat over the past, it's right now and the future that counts. The sooner you book your hypnosis quit smoking session the sooner you can get on with leading the best possible life. Just do it!

Musician's Friend

The TV and film industry is a Musicians Friend because if you get even one song licensed for TV or Film you will be on your way to financial freedom. Your Music would be Heard All Over The World, NOT making money from what you're passionate about sucks! It leaves you feeling like you have no power in your life. Over time it can become very discouraging and can rob you of the passion and determination you need to succeed in this VERY competitive business.

Equipment Deals
The best advise I can give you here is to shop around. You may want to check out the prices to purchase the gear through the mail. Musicians Friend is an excellent mail order company with pretty good prices. Feel free to visit musicans friend today and learn more about them online. You should at least get their catalog to compare the prices between them, your local stores, and online for any equipment that you are interested in.

If you are new to guitar lets give you some tips on getting started. If you don't have a guitar yet or need some more equipment check out sites such as musicians friend or musicians hut and that should give you a good start.
Well truth be told my buddies in the manufacturing industry might not like what I suggest, because I am going to steer you away from normal choices. Ill give you the same advice I give them and that is to get nose out of the Musicians Friend catalog. Once that is done we can then find a great solution that will work for your unique purposes and get you the biggest bang for the buck.

Duplicating DVDs Made Easy With DVD Copier

Few years ago, it was very difficult to get the movies copied from one disc to another for entertainment at home. The only option was to either buy the same DVD from some nearby store or borrow it from someone if you really wished to enjoy the movie. Both the options weren't very feasible. However, now you can enjoy hundred percent perfect copying of the DVD movies at a faster speed and without any hassles. The DVD copier lets you copy the contents from one DVD to another with ease. You can easily share your favourite movies with your friends or copy the movies they have on their DVDs with the help of this dvd copier.

Selecting the right disc copiers is particularly difficult for those of us with limited technological knowledge. There are several points to consider that should help narrow down the options. If your main concern is to record discs or CDs fast, you may be better offer buying a manual disc copier, which is faster (and cheaper) than DVD copiers. However, if you do not have the time or the manpower to operate the disc copier, then DVD copiers are what you need - particularly if you must duplicate a large volume of DVDs or CDs or perform multiple duplicating tasks. If you are buying disc copiers for business use and you need to do more than simply create multiple copies of existing DVDs or CDs, consider investing in PC-attached disc copiers that allow you to burn master copies on the production PC using application and production software.

You can also choose autoloading DVD copiers that can be used to print information on DVDs and labels. Finally, DVD copiers with network capability offer all sorts of extremely useful possibilities in business environments by allowing network-wide access from remote locations to automated disc copiers.

Although DVD copiers, particularly DVD copiers, are not hard to use, choosing from the wide array of available models can be bewildering. When making your selection, keep in mind that whatever your reasons for recording DVDs or CDs are, the disc copiers you buy should make the job easier.

How to Quit Smoking With Hypnotism

Cigarette smoking is an addiction and because of this fact, quitting is easier said than done.
According to Action on Smoking and Health, 10 million adults in Great Britain are smokers. Two thirds of those smokers started before the age of 18. Nearly two thirds of the current smokers would like to quit but only 22 per cent of the women and 27 per cent of the men have managed to do so.
October marks the official beginning of the yearly Stoptober campaign. Quitting for a full month may be the perfect opportunity to drop the bad habit for a lifetime. Stop smoking hypnotherapy may be the right possibility for you. Here's everything you need to know about how to stop smoking with hypnosis.

How does It Work?
Many smokers need just a single hypnotherapy session to get on the road to quitting. Follow-up sessions will usually be needed to extend the longevity of the results and to help the former smoker lead a happy, cigarette-free life for years and years to come.

After initial assessment, a therapist will put you in the state of hypnosis. This is when the real work begins. For many smokers, lighting up a cigarette is associated with pleasurable experiences. These experiences could include having an aromatic cup of coffee, ending a delicious meal or even intimacy with a partner. The job of the therapist is to "break" these positive associations.

Sometimes, smokers who undergo stop smoking hypnotherapy will have these positive associations replaced with facts about smoking - that it ruins health, that it makes clothes smell bad and that second hand smoke is a real danger for loved ones. These new sub-conscious patterns help patients overcome the addiction and kick the bad habit with relative ease.

Additional Benefits
Are you still wondering about how to stop smoking with hypnosis? Talking to a therapist and getting all of your questions answered is going to put your mind at ease. There's no harm in giving the technique a try, even if you are sceptical about it.

When performed by an experienced therapist, hypnosis can have a very high success rate. Some reports suggest that nearly 80 per cent of the smokers that have tried hypnotherapy have managed to quit.

Hypnosis is very effective because it simplifies change and introducing healthy modifications to your lifestyle. It has nothing to do with being sub consciously "forced" into doing something that you don't want to do. Hypnotherapy is all about breaking destructive patterns of behaviour that have been connected to something positive and desirable.

Hypnotherapy for smokers is safe, efficient and affordable. Nicotine addiction can be an extreme challenge and many find it impossible to quit cold turkey. If you have tried other methods and you have failed, the time may be right to have a hypnotherapy session. Going through the experience is the best way to figure out whether it's the perfect method to quit and to enjoy a cigarette-free life.
David Samson is a regular advisor to BBC Radio London. His work has been featured in The Times, Huffington Post and OK! Magazine. Using gentle & sympathetic techniques developed over 10 years practicing successful stop smoking Hypnosis treatments.

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