Friday, September 16, 2011

Mortgage life insurance

Mortgage life insurance sold by a financial institution can be expensive and has disadvantages. First, the insured amount falls as the mortgage balance drops over the mortgage's life, but the premium does not fall. Second, unlike a term life policy, the bank has the right to hike premiums. Third, it is not portable. So, if you switch your mortgage, you need to reapply for life insurance with your new bank.

One benefit of mortgage protection insurance is that it is issued on a guaranteed acceptance basis, few questions will be asked about health issues or occupations for example. This kind of policy is beneficial for those who have dangerous occupations, such as roofers and electricians, or those who may have health issues.

Corsets for women

The best waist training corsets should be made of absorbent cotton because you cannot risk harming your skin. If you wear synthetic materials very close to your skin over extended periods there is a chance that you will get all sorts of skin infections.

The first corsets for women were made out of wood or iron. Later on, whalebone was introduced as a suitable material for this device. The trend spread to most of Europe and became a staple in many women's wardrobes in places such as Spain and France. It was recalled that at one point in history, a Spanish Queen actually refused to loosen her corset until the country was freed from another country's rule. This may sound silly when heard now, but at the time it earned her a great deal of respect.

Underground storm shelters

Some of the feature in underground storm shelters

* Constructed of 1/4" Solid Steel Plate

* Large Protected Air Vents

* Engineered & Built to FEMA 320 Specs for

F5 tornado safety

* Additional Protection of Ventilation Areas

* Handicap Accessible Door - 34” x 72”

* Three (3) Inside Door Locking Bars

* Delivered and installed on your concrete

slab foundation

* Weighs Approximately 2,000 Pounds

* Door opens inward so you’re not trapped.

* Safe Room: XL (4' x 8’L x 6’3”H)

* Safe Room: Large (4' x 6' x 6'3"H)

* Safe Room: Medium (4’W x 5’L x 6’3”H)

* Safe Room: Small (4’W x 4’L x 6’3"H)

* We also offer custom sized shelters!

f you have a shelter -- great! If not, the information found here should help. You and your family deserve to be prepared for tornadoes, intruders and extreme events. Click the links below and determine the shelter which best meets your needs.

BuiltSafe Steel Tornado Shelter
The Refuge Fiberglass Shelter
Inground Concrete Shelter
ArmoredGuard Survival Shelter
FlatSafe In-Slab Storm Shelter
SteelClad Solid Steel Safe Room

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