Asthma is an inflammatory condition where your bronchioles constrict causing breathing difficulties. Your bronchioles become inflamed for a variety of physical, emotional and environmental reasons. It is not contagious so, you cannot catch it from another person. Asthma is a chronic lung disease in which airways of lunges get narrowed and inflamed. It can be fatal if immediate emergency is not provided. There are many reasons, which can cause inflammation in airways and instigate asthma attacks, and there are also ways to avoid these attacks by proper taken care. It is inevitable to note here that smoke triggers the immune response thus results the inflammation of airways. An important factor observed in any person suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is that they may have a form known as asthma. Patients having emphysema commonly known as chronic bronchitis observes the same symptoms as that of asthma. Home Remedies for Asthma 1) One may mix a tablespoon of honey with a half a tablespoon of cinnamon powder and consume prior to sleeping or one can boil eight to ten cloves of garlic in half a cup of milk and consume it at night and this is a wonderful natural asthma remedy for those who are in the early stages of asthma. This is a useful Home Remedy for Asthma
2) Another helpful natural asthma remedy is figs, which help in draining the phlegm and washing three to four dry figs with water and drenched them in a cup of water would help when eaten on an empty stomach along with drinking the fig-soaked water. 3) There is one more natural asthma remedy in the form of taking a cup of water and soaking one teaspoon of Fenugeek seeds during the night. Fenugeek seeds, which taken with a cup of water overnight is a further natural asthma remedy. 4) Steaming ginger tea with minced garlic cloves must be given two times in a day for asthma cure. 5) Soak dry grapes in water at night and keep in cold milk for half an hour and chew them to treat asthma. Most often asthma must be treated with prescription medicine. There are two main types of medicines for the treatment of asthma. Quick relief medicines, also called relievers, give rapid, short-term relief and are taken when asthma symptoms worsen potentially leading to an asthma attacks. The effects of these medicines are felt within minutes.
There are many things that can cause an asthma attack. Below are some of the most common triggers. • Air pollution. • Animals. • Cold weather. • Dust. • Exercise. • Foods. • Lung infections. • Smoke. Natural treatment is safe and result oriented; it can control asthma to great extend without any side effects. The health condition of the lungs, immune system, nervous system and adrenal system are the vital areas for the treatment of asthma through natural products. Avoid your triggers or the things that will worsen your asthma symptoms. By following this you can control your asthma and may not need medication all the time. You have to identify your asthma triggers to know how to treat your asthma. Some triggers are allergens like dust and pollens. Viral infections like common colds and irritants like perfumes and aerosols are also asthma triggers. What can you do to treatments your Asthma? An important part of learning to control asthma is keeping a daily asthma diary. You should have an asthma management plan, because asthma is a chronic disease that requiring continual management and proper treatments. Asthma Symptoms Patients suffering from asthma emerge to be gasping for breath. Really, they have more difficulty in inhalation out than breathing in, and this is caused by spasms or unexpected involuntary muscular contractions of the minor air passages in the lungs. Asthma Cures 1. Asthma treatment via Honey 2. Asthma treatment with Figs 3. Asthma treatment with Lemon 4. Asthma treatment via Indian Gooseberry If you are troubled by both allergies and asthma you might thinking, "if it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all". The fact is that it is estimated that as many as sixty percent of the asthma cases in the U.S. are allergy related. You are not alone. There are many people like yourself who are suffering from the same double barreled malady. The fact is that allergies can induce or agrivate asthma. An asthma treatment, Albuterol inhaler, also works as bronchodilators. It improves asthma symptoms by making the muscles of the airways relaxed. However, the dosages of the asthma treatment Albuterol inhaler should be followed accordingly to prevent side effects. If the medication is not properly administered, it may lead to serious illnesses. Furthermore, the dosage prescribed by your physician might change depending on the severity of the attack or other respiratory difficulties. Asthma treatment Albuterol is also known as a prescription-based asthma inhaler which is often used for asthma attacks. Read About Find Article and also read about Hot Air Ballooning and Hot Air Balloon Flights