As a smoker it's easy to get caught up in all the fear based quit programmes and all the gory images on cigarette packages. On the other hand there are all your reasons that you smoke. It's a friend, it helps you relax, manages your stress and boredom etc.
But have you ever considered that quitting above all else, above all the health risks and saved money is reclaiming your self respect.
If you smoke you do not respect yourself. You may not agree but think for a moment. A smoker doesn't respect their health, the health of those around them, or their family. A smoker doesn't respect their money, their energy or their future.
When a person disrespect's themselves in one major area of their lives, it is difficult to maintain a high level of respect in other areas.
Most smokers don't do the exercise they would like to do, as they feel that exercise is pointless while they smoke.
Smokers who have to stand outside to smoke in the cold while their family or friends enjoy themselves are conflicted. They don't respect their time and are prepared to waste some of their precious moments which can never be recaptured, just to smoke.
You may strongly disagree but it is impossible to respect yourself while you continue to in hail 4000 toxic chemicals multiple times every day. I put it to you that smoking is one of the most significant acts of disrespect you can do to yourself.
You can take back you health and reclaim yourself respect, simply by quitting smoking. It may seem too difficult but it is possible. Rapid change hypnosis is the most effective way to quit. Suggestions made to help you quit easily are woven with conversations about you deeply respecting yourself and never ever going back to your old habits.
Gently and easily introducing powerful feelings and desires of self respect will impact every area of your life. Subtly leading you to make healthy choices in diet and exercise. Leading you to into a bright future, a healthy happy future free from cigarettes.
Free from the internal conflict that anyone who smokes naturally experiences. The conflict between wanting to smoke and wanting to quit. But by deciding to reclaim yourself respect you can break this bind you are in.